
The 116 Boyz began with an idea from its founder Daniel Beck, Gamertag: BornAgain2001. He realized that with the ever growing popularity of online gaming, not only are our youth being distracted from God’s calling on their lives, but also men of all ages.

116 Boyz is a community of online gamers who heed the call that God has called each one of us to do, “Go and make disciples” (Matthew 28:19). While video games sometimes are viewed negatively due to its content. The 116 Boyz affirm to be Salt and Light to a dimly lit world. Today, there are over 15 million people who play Call of Duty based games alone; yet we do not exist solely for those who play shooter type games. The 116 Boyz is a ministry that covers all game spectrums and all game consoles to include Playstation, Wii, and PC Gamers. We exist to lead those who are lost to Christ; and also to pour our lives into believers who seek a place of community and fellowship with other Christian believers. While we love our gaming, at the end of the day when we lay our controllers down, it’s not about who is the best player; but who has made the most impact of ministering into the lives of online gamers for Jesus Christ!


10 thoughts on “About

  1. Andy Vidot

    The logos, the Word, was in the beginning, was with God, and was God. (John 1:1) The Word created all things, and there is absolutely nothing in existence that the Word did not create. When one can comprehend that fact, they can realize the importance of the Word, the power of the Word. The Word is not a creation that came into existence at “the beginning,“ it was always there. It is eternal. The “beginning” is the beginning in Genesis – the first act of creation, when God made the heavens and the earth. God spoke the Word and it was so. So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. To be created in the image of God does not mean we have any of His unlimited attributes such as omnipotence or omnipresence; human beings were not made to be little gods. Man is a creature who has limited abilities like His maker’s unlimited abilities. God cannot duplicate himself by creating another like him. A creature can never be equal to the eternal creator. When it states we were created in His image it means man was given a spirit. God is a Spirit and He created a being with an immortal spirit and soul, with whom He could communicate. Because of the fall of Adam in the garden man died spiritually. After Adam sinned the same nature of sin was passed on to all of man. All those who are not saved are still in this nature. This is why the Bible says we must be “born again” (“born from above”) in order to be formed in God’s image and likeness. Through a spiritual rebirth God wishes to restore fallen man in his sinful state to begin a relationship with Him (Creator to creature) by making his home within him. In Romans 8:29 we are told that we are “to be conformed to the image of his Son.” This is a continual process starting from the time we are born again.
    God intends that our ambition in life will be that we might grow spiritually. We are to grow in spiritual maturity and experience, in our understanding of the truth, and in our knowledge of the Lord Jesus. Spiritual progress is not only seen in our knowledge of the Word, it is displayed and is only actually true when its principles are expressed in our lives. We must live the Word.
    The flesh is always and unchangeably contrary to God and His will. The flesh opposes the Spirit. The flesh and all it produces, be it ever so pleasing and attractive to men, can’t be accepted by God. All service to God must be done in the power of the Spirit through the yielded life of a child of God. God made His contract with man through his spirit, not his senses. The Father can unveil the Word to a man’s spirit so that it becomes a living thing in his daily walk. The first thing that must be done after one is recreated is to bring the five senses into subjection to the recreated human spirit, and the Word. When this is done the mind will be renewed.
    A man who is recreated, has never yet learned to walk in his spirit, governed by the Word. He walks a common man. He walks just as he walked before he was born again. In a short time, he will break fellowship with the Father and fall back into the old life. As a new creation man must walk by faith. Faith is a product of your spirit, just as wisdom is a product of your spirit. Faith and wisdom is enriched by meditation in the Word of God.
    All the knowledge that the brain receives comes through the five senses. If a man is governed by his senses his spirit is held captive. As a new creation we should be ruled by the spirit, making it possible for him to have fellowship with the father.
    The way I develop my spirit man is to read the Word daily and live what I read. First I thank my Father for making Jesus wisdom for me. Then I know that as I walk in fellowship with the Word, His wisdom will be mine at every crisis. This continual confession of Christ as my Wisdom will transform my entire conduct, my way of thinking and acting will take me out of the old rut and into a new bountiful life. The more of the Word I get in me the more my spirit will grow. My confession is “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” The love of God is shed abroad in my heart. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. I acknowledge the fact that I am what the Word says I am. I can do what the Word says I can do. My reading the Word is not a fifteen minute a day ordeal, that I do once in the morning. It is my meditation that I do throughout the day. Keeping the scriptures in me allows me to have a word for every situation that arises during my daily activities. I build my house upon the rock (Word) that when the storms arise I will not be moved.
    To become more God inside minded we have to become God inside conscious. We have to take hold of the fact that “Greater is he that is in us, than he that is in the world. (1 John 4:4) We have to believe in love, we have to believe in God’s love for us. The agape type of love. We have to accept the fact that we have His ability, His courage, and His strength. We are no longer in the realm of failure but success. To be God inside minded Romans 8:17 becomes reality to us “Now if we are children, we are heirs- heirs of God and co-heirs with the Messiah, in fact, we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory. We abide in God and He abides in us.
    The fruits of the Spirit is neatly divided into three general groups, though some overlapping of application occurs between them. The first group love, joy, and peace- portrays a Christian’s mind in it’s most general form, with special emphasis on his relationship with God. The second group, beginning with patience, contains social virtues relating to our thoughts and actions toward fellow man and our attitude during trials. Patience is a area in my life that I need work in. The Bible reveals God’s patience as a quality of His character that deters Him for long periods from retaliating against those who sin against Him. Perfection in this life is to become what God wants us to become. If I could understand that my life is in God’s hands as He molds and shapes me, then the meanings—the eventual outcome—of joy and sorrow are the same. God intends the same result whether He gives or takes. The events of life are merely the scaffolding for shaping me into His image, and I should meet them with patience as He continues His work. This will work to flatten out the emotional extremes I tend to experience. I confess Proverbs 14:29 “Whoever is slow to anger has great understanding, but he who has a hasty temper exalts folly.” Patience grows from a combination of faith, hope, love and self-control. This proverb and many more reveal, I should cultivate patience because it shows understanding and because it is wise. Wisdom produces success, and being successful in glorifying God is what life is all about.
    During this course one of the principles that I have learned about that has brought victory in my life is wisdom. Without wisdom all the knowledge in the world would be worthless. James 1:5 “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. There is two types of wisdom: worldly wisdom and heavenly wisdom. Worldly wisdom stands in contrast to that which God originates in heaven. There is nothing transcending, or of any lasting value in earthly wisdom. Just like everything else material it is subject to corruption and decay. Heavenly wisdom has it’s origin in Jesus Christ. It comes down from heaven and is God’s gift to every believer who requests it. Words of wisdom: if God is your co-pilot, swap seats.

  2. Chris

    Andy, how do I write something in here like this?

    • andy

      I just post it here, I think Dan moves it around brother. Hope that helps….

  3. Hey guys! I met Daniel and a few others on MW3. Its awesome to see more Christians working together in such an arena as XBL. Feel free to add my GT: Soul Reaper GBG…And please feel free to go to our forums! http://www.GamingByGrace.com/forums

  4. OOps, that URL was wrong…Its http://www.gamingbygrace.com/forum….I put an “S” at the end which was incorrect. Sorry!

  5. I think this is a great way to reach out to a generation who continually choose gaming systems that ultimatly arent to their benifit. My brother is 13 and the language and graphics alone. Man, It would be so great to have someone healthy talking to him while he played those games.

  6. livingforjesus25

    feel free to add me all on facebook jason wetzel i love this site so much so many great believers on here and nice people who actually care

  7. keep up the awesome work for the lord GOD bless

  8. God bless u guys

  9. I haven’t considered myself a gamer in over a decade, but my husband is and I still like to keep up with news and trends of the gaming world. I what’s going on here.

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